Mosquito nets

This project is carried out in Burkina Faso by APPA
Read more about our method


Create a situation in where all families in the ASAP-villages sleep under a good mosquito net. Malaria is a serious disease: infection can cause death and mosquito nets are therefore so vital!

However, the mosquito net project does not only have a positive impact on health: a great side effect is that the villagers can benefit from a quiet sleep due to the mosquito nets for the first time in years, They are not longer bothered by the mosquitoes.

The mosquito net project is a project with bright and very good results.

Realization 2015

  Objective 2018 Objective 2016 Result 2015
Number of families in the 10 ASAP villages with a good mosquito net 99% 98% 97%

The average lifespan of a mosquito net is 2 years.

To provide every family with a good mosquito net, we need to distribute mosquito nets under new families. The old mosquito nets also have to be replaced by new ones.

In 2015 there were no mosquito nets distributed.

Objective 2016

In 2016 we received funding from sponsors for the distribution of 1745 new mosquito nets.

The mosquito nets are impregnated with DEET and bought by ASAP in Burkina Faso. ASAP let women contribute in buying the mosquito nets to establish care and correct usage

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